What Is Gut Health?
The digestive tract makes up about 70% of our immune system, runs our metabolism, makes vitamins for us, and communicates with other cells in our bodies. Some refer to the gut as the “second brain” as it holds its own nervous system, the enteric nervous system.
The gut also produces numerous neurotransmitters, including 90-95% of serotonin! The digestive tract is home to over 100 trillion of microorganisms that coexist within us. These cells outnumber human cells by a factor of 10 and their DNA outnumbers human DNA by a factor of 100. Collectively this is referred to as the gut microbiome.
What influences the gut microbiome?
-Chronic stress
-Environmental toxins/exposures
-Lack of exercise
-Low stomach acid
-Dietary choices
Key conditions associated with gut imbalance:
-Allergies, Asthma, Eczema
-Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parksinon’s Disease
-Autoimmune conditions
-Celiac disease
-Chronic fatigue syndrome
-Heart disease
-Diabetes, metabolic syndrome
-Inflammatory bowel disease
-Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
-Thyroid disease and hormone imbalance
-Many more…
Gut Health = Overall Health = Wellness
Goal of optimal gut health:
Attain balance with the gut microbiome
Optimize risk factors
Prevent disease
Reduce symptoms
Live a longer, healthier, and happier life
Hippocrates said “All disease begins in the gut” and we are just now, in more modern times, learning and understanding how important and powerful this statement, made ages ago, truly is.
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